So I find myself sitting here blogging about some of the things I enjoy most - waterfowl season and walleye fishing. And there you have it, the name of my blog: Montana Waterfowl and Walleye!
A little background about me...
My name is HP Nuernberger, and I am a Montana native. Hunting and fishing is a hobby some enjoy; for me - it's a passion. I have been fortunate enough to grow up hunting and fishing in this beautiful state of Montana. I have also been fortunate enough to be able to share this tradition with my two boys. I guess what I love most about hunting and fishing is being able to be outdoors. I was always that kid in school looking out the window, wishing I was floating down the river, watching the wildlife and sites pass by. So now that I'm a little older, and more importantly, have a loving and understanding wife, I get to spend a lot of my time on the water - hunting for waterfowl or fishing for walleye.
Over the years, I have met some terrific people who have taught me helpful techniques about hunting and fishing that only experience can teach. So through my own experience, my own trial and error, as well as with the help of these friends, I have become a more successful hunter, and a more successful fisherman. I want to be able to share some of my experiences with you, and maybe you can laugh at my mistakes, or learn from my experiences. Hopefully your hunts or fishing trips will be as memorable as mine.
I'm sure most of you have heard the old adage "the only thing constant is change". And as with any sport, you need to keep up with the changes: changes to regulations or laws, new techniques, new equipment and gear, timing of migration, changing water and weather conditions ... all of these things play into a successful hunt, or fishing trip.
Over the next few months I will be talking about:
- preparing for waterfowl season
- youth waterfowl - getting kids ready
- equipment and gear for the field
- block management